Mangal Bhavan Amangal Haari Lyrics

"Mangal Bhavan Amangal Haari" is a popular devotional bhajan dedicated to Lord Rama. Below are the lyrics in Hindi along with a rough English meaning:

मंगल भवन अमंगल हारी, द्रवहु सुदसरथ अचर बिहारी।

Mangal bhavan amangal haari, dravahu sudasrath achar bihari.

(Chanting the name of Rama, who is auspicious and removes inauspiciousness, O son of Dasharatha, the one who moves in the world.)

राम सिया राम सिया राम, जय जय राम।
Ram Siya Ram Siya Ram, Jai Jai Ram.

(Chant the name of Rama and Sita, victory to Rama.)

हो हो हो हे सिया राम।
Ho Ho Ho Hey Siya Ram.

श्रीराम जयराम जयजयराम।
Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram.

(Chant the victory of Lord Rama, victory to Lord Rama, Hail, Hail to Lord Rama.)

This bhajan is a devotional expression praising the auspiciousness of the abode of Lord Rama and invoking the blessings of Rama and Sita. The repetition of the divine names is considered a means to invoke the divine presence and to experience spiritual joy and peace.